Step One: Subscribe and Set Up Your Account

Members of MSA with email and web access can participate in the email Listserv. You can join a list, change your email address and settings, and search the discussion group archives on the web.

  1. Subscribe: All you need to do is click on the link below, enter your email address and your first and last name and select “Subscribe.” Click here to subscribe: Subscribe to MSA Tax Talk Discussion Group Listservto access the Listserv subscription and settings page

You’ll receive a confirmation notice and instructions on how to use the email forum once you have been added to the list (you might want to save this email for future reference). To prevent viruses from infiltrating the lists, only plain-text emails are allowed to be posted to Listserv (i.e., no HTML text and no attachments).

2. Rules and Etiquette: Please make sure you read, understand and agree to the rules and etiquette for the MSA Tax Talk Discussion Group Listserv. Click here:  Tax Talk Listserv Rules and Etiquette

Step Two: Sending Messages

There are several different ways to ask a tax question or answer a tax question on MSA Tax Talk. Whenever you receive an email message that was sent to the MSA Tax Talk Listserv, the subject line of the email will include [MSA-Tax Talk].

1. Send an original email message to the entire group: Send your question to: . Please make sure you include your contact information/signature at the bottom of your email message.
2. Reply to an email you received from another member: When you receive an email with [msa-tax talk] in the subject line, you can hit reply all to send your answer to the entire MSA Tax Talk Listserv discussion group.

Step Three: Important Tips for Using MSA Tax Talk

  1. To reply to messages you receive from the Listserv, be sure that the send-to address appears as
  2. Avoid resending the entire message to which you are replying by cutting and pasting the relevant parts into your response. And please do not send a digest back to the email list. 
  3. Using the ‘reply all’ button in your email application will automatically send your response to the entire list. To reply directly to a member of the list, forward the email and copy and paste his or her email address into the “To” line.
  4. Identify yourself with a signature tag in all messages. Include your name, firm, location, telephone number, and email address.